Friday, December 09, 2005

Space Cadets: WTF?!

Can someone expain to me what is entertaining about Space Cadets?!
So we're watching a group of people who think they're training to be space tourists. Only they're not really. They're gonna go in a space shuttle, but it's actually a set in an aircraft hanger. Funny joke? Well, it might be, but in order to fool the contestants successfully, there is obsessive attention to detail. It's not like they're being made to do silly tasks, they're having lectures, seminars and training. Whoever thought this would make good TV? There's no entertainment value in it at all! When all is revealed, the contestants will feel disappointed. We already know it's fake, so there are gonna be no surprises for the viewers - oh, except that one of the actors who is in on the gag fell ill and had to leave.
I really don't get it. If someone can explain the appeal, please do.

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